Monday, November 12, 2007

To dream, perchance to sleep

Since making the change to my meds (discontinuing Imipramine and starting Lamictal), I've had nights of odd dreams and little, deep sleep. The first night, I dreamed about not sleeping. Since then I've had lengthy dreams about work, business travel, and, then, last night, working in California. In a previous job, I was in California a lot and this dream set, even though located in a warehouse-type office building, reminded me a lot of that job. The dreams stretched out for what seemed like hours, but I'd also awaken often between segments.

This sleep pattern, I think, had made my mornings difficult. Today, however, has been difficult all the way through. Marley and I went for a walk this morning and I've done a bit of laundry, but, otherwise, I've not been able to do much today.

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