Monday, June 15, 2009

Voices in a dream

First of all, I don't make fun of schizophrenia. I've seen too many wonderful, smart people taken out, some to return with good, but very constrained lives, others not all.
In that context, then, let me mention a dream that I had the other night. The details have faded, but the details weren't that significant.
The dream was about Facebook and the cacophony of voices, speaking, shouting, singing - all directing me to do jump here, go there, or stand in one place, starry-eyed and laughing.
The raw emotion has lingered for a couple of days, keeping me off-balance. I looked up some of the primary presenting symptoms of schizophrenia, but decided not to push the metaphor too far.
We all have exceptionally vivid dreams at one time or another. When I've changed medications (which I haven't for several months), I experienced episodes of vivid and often disorienting dreams.
Sometimes, too, vivid dreams and hypersensitivity run along together. (I can't say that one triggers the other.) That seems to be the case these days.
In such times, it's important to find ways to stay grounded - to know what's true even if emotions try to tell us otherwise, to stay active physically, and to identify tasks that are fairly simple and easy to complete. For me, stacking firewood is just such a remedy. At the end of an hour, there's order where there had been just a pile of thrown 18" logs.
Entropy says that things tend to move from order to disorder and that it takes work, energy to create and maintain order. Energy may sometimes be in short supply, so, in such times, it's good to be able to apply to places where the results of the effort are visible.

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