Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Moving forward, sideways

I've been quiet here because, for the most part, things are going pretty well and I've been busy doing other stuff. This morning, however, I had an appointment with my GP to talk about my elevated CK levels (over 800 in the last round) along with pain in a lot of different muscles. We're suspecting that the Seroquel may be causing it. My level has been elevated since August of 2006. I don't remember when I started Seroquel, but it could have been around that time. I will talk with my psychiatrist to find out if he's encountered any correlation. If so, then we're not in any better position, because the Seroquel has been an important part of my medication regimen. If not, then my GP will have to dig deeper, perhaps literally, with a muscle biopsy. Ick.

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