Thursday, October 25, 2007

Watchful waiting

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today. I learned some stuff from him and he learned stuff from me.

  • My QT interval is somewhat high (44o and later 421), so we're pretty much at our limit for the Imipramine.
  • I've had close to an equal number of tough days and OK days. The tough days, however, aren't as bad as the ones that I had in August.
  • If the tough days become more frequent or more difficult (a score of 5 or so), we can resume the ECT treatments at short notice.
  • We'll give the current Imipramine level a couple more weeks. If there's no improvement, we might try MAOIs. The medications are now available in a patch that doesn't impose the same rigid dietary restrictions. ("MAOIs can cause death if they are combined with certain foods or taken with certain other medications.")
All of the doctors' reports have been submitted for my disability claim. It will probably be another month or so before I hear anything further on that front.

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