Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dept. of Similies

It's been like standing waist-deep in a rip current, requiring nearly all of my strength just to stand still.

I had an ECT on Monday, three weeks after my previous one instead of the planned four weeks. Today is better than yesterday, which was better than Tuesday. This morning, I stacked the last of the firewood from my father's house, moving it to the rack just outside our back door. A cool night is forecast, so we might need a fire in the stove by morning.

So, I've almost completed my three tasks for today. I wrote some checks for expenses regarding my father's house, took care of the aforementioned wood, and made a call to Social Security. (I'm waiting for a call-back on the last one.) Even if this is all I get done today, it's a more productive day than many that I've had lately.

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