Thursday, June 5, 2008

Slipping gears

For several days this week, I was so tired that I could barely pry myself loose by noon. My mood was ok, given that I couldn't get much done beyond the basics - getting dressed, preparing meals, 'n stuff.

On Wednesday afternoon, I called my primary care physician to see if the elevated PTH levels that had shown up in my blood work from a couple of weeks ago might be causing this tiredness. He said that it wasn't likely, given that my calcium levels were within proper range.

What the tests didn't show was that I'd started taking some calcium supplements this past weekend. The idea was that boosting my vitamin D levels might help. There have been news reports lately that tie low vitamin D levels with depression. What may have happened, however, is that by boosting my calcium levels, I may have triggered a problem with the PTH.

So, I've stopped the calcium supplements and do feel better today. Stay tuned. We're a complex mess o' chemicals, ain't we?

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